What I Offer

What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy?

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a light touch and intuitive listening process that allows me to sense and encourage your body’s inherent health expressions and facilitate systemic shifts.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy can benefit a wide range of conditions, soothe pain and support gentle releasing of both emotional and physical stress and tension held within the body.

It assists the body’s natural healing process, increases vitality, supports nervous system regulation, and encourages the organs and musculoskeletal system to come into balance.

Touch and presence are the key components that create the deep sense of connection and safety within the therapeutic space.

When the whole system is held, grounded, and working within its own window of tolerance, true transformation, and healing from within can occur.

What To Expect at a Session?

A typical session will start with a brief conversation about your state of mind and body, medical history and intentions. Once ready to transition to the treatment, you will stay fully clothed and get comfortable on a massage table. Your comfort and safety are key elements in the contact, so dialogue to ensure you have just what you need is an essential part of establishing the therapeutic space.

The session itself consists of light touch where presence and awareness allow your system to make adjustments from within. The number of holds and hold placement varies from session to session and is dependant on what is unfolding during the session. Holds may be on your cranium or sacrum, but can also be on any other part of your body as well. A session is typically an hour long with time on the table ranging from 40-50 minutes.

What Does a Session Feel Like?

During the session you may experience sensations in your body such as temperature changes, expansion, floating, or softening. At times you may also feel other sensations as your body releases energy that has been held within it. Staying present with your physical sensations helps to support this type of release.

You may relax deeply or experience an altered state of consciousness that feels somewhere between asleep and awake. You may also experience thoughts, images, memories or emotions arise. Dialogue is welcome during the session; however, if it does not unfold during the time on the table, there will be time at the end of the session to express anything that you wish to share about your experience.

At the end of the session you may notice feeling calm and grounded. You may feel more at ease in your body and like you have more room to breathe. You may also experience feeling relaxed and energized at the same time. It’s also helpful to continue to notice how you feel over the 2-3 days after a session. This helps support integration of the treatment and also will help you to know how this work may support you again in the future.